Could you arrange a meeting with the Planning Department? 你能安排一次和企划部的会议吗?
I was in the planning department. 我曾在市政建设规划部门工作。
The MPUA shall draw up fuel gas development plans according to the actual needs of this municipality's urban construction and economic development, which shall be incorporated into the urban overall plan after comprehensive balance by the municipal planning department. 市公用局根据本市城市建设和经济发展的实际需要,编制燃气发展规划,经市规划部门综合平衡后,纳入城市总体规划。
So I was promoted from senior designer to the supervisor of planning department. 我的职务也由资深设师升为企划部主管。
This is John Lee from the Planning Department. 这位是企划部的约翰·李。
Tuen Mun and Yuen Long District Planning Office [ Planning Department] 屯门及元朗规划处〔规划署〕
The municipal environment protection department and planning department shall perform their respective duties regarding the administration of the NR. 市环保、规划等部门应当按照各自的职责,共同做好保护区的管理工作。
The Shenzhen population and family planning department also has access to the database, but a representative of the department said it was not responsible for the breach. 同时,深圳市计划生育委员会也有权限查看到该数据库的内容。但该部门的一位代表说,他们对此次信息泄露不负任何责任。
The municipal planning department has community profiles, traffic studies, zoning and other maps, aerial photos, and possibly an official community plan. 市政府的规划部门掌握着社区的档案,交通规划,区域划分以及其他地图信息,社区图片,甚至可能有一个官方的社区计划。
The city planning department shall discharge the routine duties of the city planning commission. 市规划主管部门负责处理市规划委员会的日常事务。
The council asks the Planning Department to comment on the feasibility of the project 委员会要求计划部对项目的可行性发表评论
In an innovative project involving NGOs, universities, architects, the city planning department and the residents themselves, families copy a three-storey demonstration house that can be constructed bit by bit when they can afford it. 在一个涉及非政府组织、高等院校、建筑师、城市规划部门和居民自身的创新项目中,各家庭模仿的是一栋三层楼的样板房他们可以根据自己的承受能力一点点地建造。
Planning is performed by a central planning department. D. 有一个中心计划编制部门执行计划编制。
The manager of the planning department thanked her colleagues for being so cooperative. 计划部经理感谢她的同事们如此通力合作。
He works in the planning department of the local council. 他在本地的市政委员会的规划部工作。
Consolidate sales order from customers and forward to Planning department for material planning and confirm delivery date; 负责跟踪客户定单,协调个相关部门,以保证在确认交货期内完成交货任务;
Transport Studies and Central Data Section [ Planning Department] 运输研究及中央资料组〔规划署〕
Urban planning department needs to adjust their policies and planning to have a new urban structure in accordance with the market economy. 城市规划部门需要调整自己的政策和规划有一个新的城市结构与市场经济的规定。
This year the winner of the Asia-Pacific prize is Professor Zhang Yue, the Deputy Chair of Urban Planning Department, at Tsinghua University Architecture School. 今年亚太地区的获奖者是清华大学建筑学院城市计划发展系的副主任,张越教授。
Feng Jizhong brought up a creative education plan by his theory of architectural space composition, He also created the first City Planning Department in China. 在教学上,他提出了创新性的空间组合原理教学体系,还创办了中国第一个城市规划专业。
Han Jin, head of the planning department of the Education Ministry, said last week that casualties of students and teachers were high and he pledged to investigate the quality of the school buildings. 教育部计划署署长韩金说,因上星期的地震中师生的伤亡极为惨重,他承诺将对学校建筑质量进行调查。
On this floor, we have the Training Department, Public Relations, the General Office and the Planning Department. Coming from the PR Department, I look at this issue in a different way. 培训部,公关部,办公室和企划部都在这一楼层上。我是公关部的,我对此事有不同的看法。
Internally, communicate actively with all operative staff and working partners in Planning Department. 对内:能积极的与公司员工交流并与规划部门的同事合作。
Town planning is carried out by the Planning Department under policy directives from the Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau. 规划署负责根据规划环境地政局的政策指令,执行有关城市规划的工作。
Planning for future land use and controlling developments in the urban and rural areas is undertaken by the Planning Department. 规划署负责规划未来土地用途,并管制市区及郊区的土地发展。
The efficiency improvement activities of Production Planning Department primarily embodied in department organization re-organize. 生产计划部的效率改善活动主要体现于对整个部门的架构重组方面。
I wish to work in the planning department. 我希望在计划部工作。
Housing and Land Supply Division [ Planning Department] 房屋及土地供应部〔规划署〕
Nanchang Nanchang show the planning department replied document as a "shield" for developers planning departments of the great convenience for the owners of the practice has been questioned. 南昌万达公司则拿出南昌市有关规划部门的批复文件作为“挡箭牌”,规划部门为开发商大开方便之门的做法遭到了业主们的质疑。
Strategic Planning and External Affairs Unit Departmental Administration Division [ Planning Department] 战略规划和对外事务股(战略规划股)部门行政部〔规划署〕